Wednesday, April 16, 2008

i'm merely quotationing

"""""like pop tarts are in a wrapper. and then you get them out
and they taste good sometimes. when you warm them. and drink them with milk. but in high school"""""

Saturday, April 12, 2008

last night.

hm.. well I don't usually use this to blog my life and it's experiences. but last night was a little interesting. at least interesting enough to blog about. well let's see... went to class and came home around ten a.m. then I played with the 6 kitties we are sorta watching over. after that ida, ate step, kaye, and I went to Fountain Valley and ate at Au Lac this Viet/vegetarian/vegan restaurant. Twas pretty good. Anywho..after that went home played with kitties sum mo' and blah blah. Kaye kept talking about this after party she was invited to.. Pastilla was the band.. and I wasn't up to anything so I invited myself. First my dad didn't want me to go because for some reason they don't trust Kaye which upsets me.. but he finally gave in. So we drive to Fullerton to meet up her friend. We had to wait in the car a bit cuz her friend went to eat. In the car, we ate, and I don't know how to explain it.. but let's just say.. Kaye has a good heart despite "stuff" Anywhooooooooo... Her friend gets there --Kimmie's her name-- and we ride in her car.. They stop by the liquor store to get booze and all that jazz. Oh yeah her friend Monica's with her. So off we go. and the house is right on this fucking steep hill, overlooking the Dodgers Stadium.. It was a beautiful view. So we park.. and I have to piss real bad.. But Kaye's friends were still "pre-gaming" it in the car.. So Kimmie was saying oh just go in the bushes.. I wish I was kidding or you can just wait.. well... I couldn't wait. HAHA and guess what I walked over to the bushes and pissed happiness. Kaye did too. haha.. ummmm Yeah so we go down and the house is packed with that indie rock scene people. tight pants dark clothes unwashed hair. the house was pretty cool it had this bunk thing and again a nice view... and very old fashioned like the fridge was rusty and made of iron or steel. I guess Kimmie thought we weren't enjoying so we leave and decide to go to that Pastilla after party or whatnot. So we get into the car again.. *random sidenote- one of their friend's ran out of gas so they went down the hill and ended up hitting three parked cars* Driving, driving and we end up in Tarazana--The Valley-area. The Oxygen Lounge I think it was called. So yeah I kept asking Kimmie is she was sure it was 18+ and she checked it out and everything. But sure enough, once I show my I.D. the guy was like sorry I can't let anyone under 21 in. Ah shit.. I don't want to spoil their night.. Thank goodness that mister was night enough to let me in eventually as long as I didn't drink. well durh. anyway, there I see Viralata!! I was like holy shit cool. And his band happened to play.. we missed Pastilla.. Torino is who we watched and they were pretty good Electro-ish.. got me dancing a bit.. So where the fuck am I going with this shit? O.K. here.. the highlight of the night: As I was dancing with Kaye... this African-American-must-have-been-43-years-old-and-5'5 approaches Kaye and begins talking with her. I'm just like whatever, this is typical cuz Kaye's a cutie. So I just look straight ahead and hope for the best.. well, he starts talking to me! ECK. He's like my brother's been eyeing you. And I shake his brother's hand. And he's like trying to get me to I don't know get with them?? Anyway, I go.. sorry I'm into girls and this grandpa responds with well you and my brother have a thing in common then. And I'm like heh no...and he goes I know you like some good dick .. and I go ew.. no... and then he's like I know your sister is into that. I'm like I don't know.. So we walk outside He follows..and we just get the fuck out. The end.

a hip-hop electro song you might enjoy

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Monday, April 7, 2008


what's with all these noises? oh no F*&%$*G wonder. the chillinZ b on SpriNG bREAK! UGH!!